
Terms of Service

By using checkDaily, you agree to the following terms of service:

Service Description: This app is used for people to obtain wellness check SMS messages for their loved ones to keep in touch on if they're okay or not. How the app works is that a user signs up, provides their phone numbers, sets a frequency, and then text messages will be sent to the receiving phone number for a wellness check. The welness check text message will have a link that the receiving user will need to click. Once they do so, the administrator phone number will receive a text message confirming that the receiving user has clicked the link. This will happen at the specified frequency in the set up stage.

This service does not sell users data. This service doesn't do anything other than send the text messages specified at the frequency requested.

Contact Us: If you have any questions or concerns about these terms of service, please contact @zedkay22 on Twitter.